Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DIY Shampoo!

I am always willing to try different things, especially as pertains to hair! Soooo I have been researching and finding different ingredients to make my own shampoo!!! It turned out really well so here is the recipe!

1/4 Cup of Rosemary
2 spoonfuls of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 spoonfuls Tea Tree Oil
2 spoonfuls Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Dr. Bronners Lavender Pure Castille Soap

Boil Rosemary in water for about 7-10 minutes.Pour rosemary seeds into a 2-3 paper towels over a bowl to sift out the seeds, leaving only the rosemary infused water. Add the EVOO, Tea Tree Oil and Vanilla to the Rosemary water.Stir well. Then add the pure castille soap to your container. Then add the Rosemary mix. Shake well!

And there you have it! It may look strange or different than normal store bought shampoo, but I lovvveee the fact that it is all natural. I chose these ingredients because they are proven to stimulate the scalp for growth and they also cleanse well. When you apply the shampoo since it a different consistency, use sparingly because its very liquidiy. But it lathers sooooo well. So dont freak out! LOL

Hope you enjoy!

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