Friday, August 17, 2012

My Skin Care Regimen!

Before even starting,I would like to say that the best skin comes from within. With that being said, stay hydrated with water daily & stay away from greasy foods.

My skin care regimen consists of two different, yet simple tasks.


Steam & Salt
Boil a pot of water & salt ( 3 parts water,one part salt). Let the steam rise and let it flow over your face. It will get a little hot so its okay to take your face away for a few seconds. I steam my face for about 10-12 minutes. The dream allows the pores to open. The salt removes all the gunk from the pores. After the steam & salt,while my pores are still open, I apply a deep cleansing mask. I usually use Freeman's cucumber mask. I let it sit till it dries then peel it off.I gently wipe the excess away with a warm wet towel.

For daily cleansing I use a gentle cleaning exfoliant. I usually use a generic apricot scrub or aveeno daily skin brightening cleanser. Tone with Simples toner. Then I moisturize with clean & clear moisturizer.

That's pretty much it! Really simple! :)

1 comment:

  1. I do something similar. I never seem to have enough time to steam my face. But sounds like a great way to start. Weekly I use the Freeman's Avocado and Oatmeal mask. Then I moisturize with Mary Kay's daily moisturizer. Every week I switch my face washes between a gentle apricot scrub (any generic one will work) and Neutralgena's face bar. Do a quick swipe of toner or witch hazel. Then moisturize with a light moisturizer. It keeps my face soft and clean. A good rule of thumb to have is to keep your haands out of your face. Many people don't realize how important that is. Do you have any idea what your hands come in contact with throughout the day? And wash your pillowcases, hair scarfs, and hair regularly. You will see major results in how your skin looks and feels. Well that's my little spill.
